Collection: かまわぬ

鎌 +◯(輪)+ ぬを合わせて「かまわぬ」と読む判じ物。判じ物とは、文字や絵に隠された言葉をあてる謎解きです。かまわぬ、とは、「お構いなし」「構うものか」と、我が身を捨てて弱き者を助ける江戸町人の心意気を表現した言葉。古典からモダンな柄まで400種を超える、注染のてぬぐい、和雑貨をそろえています。
The logo combines a sickle (= Kama), a circle (= Wa) and the Japanese character “Nu,” making up a pictorial puzzle to show the brand name, “KAMAWANU.” This is a traditional style of puzzle called “Hanjimono,” hiding a word or phrase in a series of characters or pictures. In Japanese, the word “KAMAWANU” signifies Edoites’ mentality of sacrificing oneself to help the disadvantaged. The brand offers over 400 varieties of Chusen-dyed Tenugui cloth and miscellaneous traditional items, featuring classic and modern Japanese patterns. Some of the patterns are available only during specific seasons or at stores directly managed by the company. These products make a perfect gift for people abroad.